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iPhone 3G S Upgrade policy link-AT&T

Posted by HeadTech on June 18, 2009

Click to access Pricing_Upgrading_FAQs.pdf

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New iPhone OS 3.0 features you may not know about

Posted by HeadTech on June 18, 2009

So…. I have noticed a few cool yet subtle features of OS 3.0 that I haven’t read anywhere yet.  As far as the native Apps go, here is what I found interesting so far:


iTunes has a lot of changes. I really like how I can now get movies and TV shows and especially Audio Books! You can also switch between iTunes accounts if you like, and there is even a link to iTunes U! If you haven’t tried iTunes U, then you are missing out on some of the most AMAZING features that iTunes offers. Check it out, and your eyes will get big with awe. I promise! I hope that even more content becomes available soon. If it is in the desktop version of iTunes, it should be on my iPhone as well! The search bar will search all iTunes content, too. This is great, especially for the U content.


I saw that when you are looking at your position in maps while driving, it now shows you a small window with “Current Position” listed as well as my Lat/Long coordinates. Very nicesmall act of polishing an already great app.


Everyone already knows about the AutoFill feature, but I just have to compliment it here. I have some passwords that I just can’t type on my phone as easily. Such as when I use the shift hey while typing special characters. I can’t remember which symbol it is, I just know the number that I pushed while holding shift. This allows me to type my password once and the phone will remember it for me. WOO HOO!

Voice Memos

This new app has been a long time coming. I love that I can record a small memo or conversation and then have options with what to do with it once I am done recording it. Very cool. Can I send a message via MMS? I am not sure, actually. If not, that would sure be a nice upgrade later! I would also like to use my recordings in the sounds settings of the phone. Record something to be used as a ringtone or even a shutter or click tone. Sure would be nice to truly customize my device how I want to.


This is one of the most desired feature that was missing in 2.0 and it is finally here! I love how it is something that is in the “background” much like everything the iPhone does, and not a physical button that you need to push. It is very simple and intuitive, which is what this device is famous for. Great job, Apple!


Oh yeah… this is a phone, too! I really like how my call history now shows icons and descriptions of which number was used by the contact listed. For instance, it now says whether it was the person’s mobile number, etc… as well as whether it was picked up or not. I really like this polishing of the phone log and it is a feature that really enhances the phone for me. Again, not a big change, but a nice polish on an already great app!


One new feature… a white ring appears around the function that you selected in your formula such as the “plus” or “minus” signs. It is really nice to see what you just clicked on for better math accuracy.

APP Store

I see that you don’t have to actually load each individual full-screen shot of the app that you are researching. They are all shown in a scrollable window that is seamless from the main app screen. Makes browsing the apps much faster and simpler.

I know that there are MANY other new features, and some are cooler than what I listed here, but these are some things that I found which I maybe haven’t read much about yet. Let me know whether you would like more info on any particular apps, and I will do your bidding.

My iPhone 3G S shipped today! I am really excited to get it tomorrow, and I will definitely be playing with it and enjoying the faster speeds it promises.


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iPhone OS 3.0 Downloading RIGHT NOW!

Posted by HeadTech on June 17, 2009

Ok, so I am FINALLY downloading OS 3.0 for my iPhone 3G right now. I haven’t seen much news on this being available yet, but it is going smoothly so far, and I am confident that I will actually get it completed soon. I hope the servers do not crash, but I am guessing that the sooner you begin, the better your chances.

I will post my feelings of the new OS as soon as I get it up and running.

My new 3G S will be here on Friday, but my wife will have the pleasure of getting a “Free” upgrade to my 3G woth OS 3.0. If you are planning on waiting in line on Friday, good luck. I am just having it sent to me at work so I can still have a semi-productive day.

Good luck all!


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Will the new iPhone HD, 4G, 2.1, 3rd Gen arrive in June?

Posted by HeadTech on June 4, 2009

iPhone 3GWith so much hype around the next-gen iPhone possibly being released during the 2009 WWDC , that you have to try and weed out the noise. Thankfully, I believe that there will be new iPhone hardware released. This is due to the overwhelming amount of leaked info that is very similar or identical. If there was just a bunch of varying “stories” about what might be released, then you can pretty much guarantee that most of what you hear is false. In the case of the iPhone 4G, or iPhone HD, or iPhone 2.1, or iPhone 3rd Gen, whatever you want to call it (I prefer iPhone HD, since it is also being reported to have a new HD screen), most of what is being talked about now, is what was first “released” about 6 months ago. In my eyes, this lends credence to what may really be coming to an over-priced cellular carrier near you. 

The only question I have now, is what day do I need to set aside to plan for my 3AM wait at the AT&T near me? I will be very happy when it gets “released” next week (Oh and I am betting that a certain CEO coming off of a 6-month medical leave will be the presenter), but I just want to know when I will actually be able to play my Tiger Woods 09 on the iPhone HD! I am hoping that it is next Friday, but something tells me that is wishful thinking. I am guessing that the July 17th date that I keep hearing sounds about right. What do you think? 

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Initial post for HeadTech!

Posted by HeadTech on June 3, 2009

This is my initial post! I love to read blogs in order to keep my ear to the ground in the hopes of hearing something quicker than the news stations can spew it out. I am always finding cool information on various topics, so I will start to post them here for anyone who wants to follow along.


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