
"Cool Technology" Blogoshpere


I have a long background in amateur to professional electronics use. I spent time in the US Army as a 31R (now 25Q) where I managed a multi-channel radio truck. I would multiplex up to 3 radio shots with up to 24 phone or data lines on each into one cable that led to our main node center. I really enjoyed that job, and I learned a thing or two about how to shoot a shot over some crazy terrain as well as large scale networks. “Field Expedience” should have been a class! I spent one tour in Iraq where we used many “tactics” to maintain the largest (until then, at least) radio net in-theater. It was quite an experience, and I learned a lot about myself, let alone the technology we were playing with. I set up W-LANs in our room that a few of us would play Battlefield 1942 on and I learned to love technology in new ways.

My current day job involves the largest consumer network for in-home voice, data and video entertainment in the US. I love my company, as it allows me to peer into the future of what you and I will be using to entertain ourselves. I am an amateur as far as most higher technology goes, but it fascinates me anyway. I love finding cool small-scale programs that are popping up, to the iPhone 2.1 due out this summer (I love my iPhone 3G!), to beyond-belief DARPA projects that you probably can’t imagine. That is why I want to blog about tech. My friends refer to me as Head-Tech, so here I am; HeadTech.

Thanks for stopping by, and don’t be shy about clicking on any of the cool links I find.


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