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Archive for June 4th, 2009

Will the new iPhone HD, 4G, 2.1, 3rd Gen arrive in June?

Posted by HeadTech on June 4, 2009

iPhone 3GWith so much hype around the next-gen iPhone possibly being released during the 2009 WWDC , that you have to try and weed out the noise. Thankfully, I believe that there will be new iPhone hardware released. This is due to the overwhelming amount of leaked info that is very similar or identical. If there was just a bunch of varying “stories” about what might be released, then you can pretty much guarantee that most of what you hear is false. In the case of the iPhone 4G, or iPhone HD, or iPhone 2.1, or iPhone 3rd Gen, whatever you want to call it (I prefer iPhone HD, since it is also being reported to have a new HD screen), most of what is being talked about now, is what was first “released” about 6 months ago. In my eyes, this lends credence to what may really be coming to an over-priced cellular carrier near you. 

The only question I have now, is what day do I need to set aside to plan for my 3AM wait at the AT&T near me? I will be very happy when it gets “released” next week (Oh and I am betting that a certain CEO coming off of a 6-month medical leave will be the presenter), but I just want to know when I will actually be able to play my Tiger Woods 09 on the iPhone HD! I am hoping that it is next Friday, but something tells me that is wishful thinking. I am guessing that the July 17th date that I keep hearing sounds about right. What do you think? 

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